Haakon Rasmussen

3RW architects


Haakon Rasmus Rasmussen, manager of the Norwegian architecture practice, 3RW Architects, will present some of their works, both in a local Norwegian and international context. The lecture will focus on 3RW’s diverse approach to architectural practice as background for individual action and response, and their engagement in cultural transgression. The following questions represent some of the topics that will be addressed through a presentation of 3RW’s own works: What are the architects arena? How can interaction with other diciplines strengthen and expand the architectural arena? How to use the responses of city inhabitants as an architectural tool for urban additions? How can contrasts in visual form and structure be a tool for new observation and understanding of landscape? How can the human body, and it’s unconscious physical condition be a basis for designing public spaces? How to establish individual identity in larce mass-produced building structures? Haakon Rasmussen (3RW) was EUROPAN9 jury member in Norway.




Keskkonnakaitsel on väga hea rakendada arhitekte

EPL, 25.09.2012

Veronika Valk

Riigil on oluline roll selles, et huvigruppe keskkonnahoiule sundida, kinnitab arhitekt Haakon Rasmussen.
EKA arhitektuuriteaduskonna külalislektorite sarjas astus 6. septembril üles Bergeni arhitektuuribüroo 3RW arhitekt Haakon Rasmussen, kes suunas fookuse keskkonnale.

Mida on teil soovitada Eestile, kus on levinud suhtumine, et sõna „keskkond” võrdub sõnaga „looduskeskkond”, st keskkonnateemade hulka ei kiputa arvama tehiskeskkonna, inimasustuse muresid?

Loe intervjuud: epl.delfi.ee/news/kultuur

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